About the Journal

pISSN 3062-9020 | eISSN 3062-7761

Journal of Studies on Art, Culture, and Society is open access and and interdisciplinary journal that discusses various aspects of art, culture, and society in the contemporary world. The journal aims to provide critical, analytical, and creative insights into the phenomena of art and culture that occur in various parts of the world, as well as their impacts on social, political, economic, and environmental development. The journal accepts research articles, book reviews, essays, interviews, and artworks that are relevant to the theme and focus of the journal.


SK Journal Team: Journal of Studies on Art, Culture, and Society


We are proud to present the Journal of Studies on Art, Culture, and Society, published by Professorline Publisher. The journal explores various aspects of art, culture, and society in the contemporary world, covering topics such as performing arts, visual arts, music, literary arts, media arts, digital arts, popular culture, local culture, global culture, subaltern culture, hybrid culture, and transnational culture. Click This

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Current Issue

Volume 1 Issue 2 July 2024
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